纪念深圳特区成立30周年 - 铜奖作品:

构思: 蜘蛛在我们生活中并不陌生,他精神顽强,永不屈服,勇往直前的拼搏精神;每当遇到暴风雨袭击后,破网又将恢复,反而更加牢固,蜘蛛这种骨子里的精神(坚强、坚韧、坚持)将一直启发着人们!深圳特区成立30周年了,在这30年后的今天,深圳的迅速发展,成为国际较有影响力的城市,是我们大家值得庆祝的喜事!


发布日期: 2014-11-19 17:20:26




蛛蛛代表着为“深圳特区成立30年和未来30年”积极做出贡献的“智慧群体”;他们的坚持、积极向上、勇往直前的拼搏精神缔造了深圳的今天;蛛蛛网代表科技网络化的时代,象征城市朝气蓬勃的现代感;蜘蛛网隐约呈现出数字“30”和英文“shen zhen”及时间“1980-2010”,体现深圳特区发展30年主题;网状成圆形,由内向外发散,既代表阶段成就,又蕴含其逐步走向国际化。而数字“30”和英文“shen zhen”及时间“1980-2040”,反向视觉表现,代表着深圳特区后30年发展变化;网状成倾斜向上的三角形,象征着深圳后30年发展的美好明天。


TitleThirtieth anniversary of shenzhen special economic zone

Design idea:

The spider in our life is not strangeit has a spirit of stubborn, never giving in, and going forward; whenever the storm hit its netit alwaysresumesmaking the net solider. Strong, tough, insist onthe spirits spider has always inspire people! Shenzhen special zone has been built forthirtieth years, and now it develops rapidlyand becomes a more influential international city, which worth us all to celebrate!

 Design descriptions

Spiders represent the "wisdom group" who contribute for shenzhen special zone in the 30 years and the next 30 years; Their persistence, positive and courage spirit of hard struggle, create the modern shenzhen; the spider net which is the symbol of vigor and vitality of contemporary feeling of the city representthe network technology time. Spider webs faint present a digital "30" and English "shenzhen" and the time "1980-2010", reflecting the   development theme of shenzhen special zone; the net is a circle, spreading from inside to outside, not only represents the stage achievement, but also contains the internationalization gradually. While digital "30" and English "shenzhen" and the time "1980-2040", reverse the visual representation, represent the later development of shenzhen special zone in 30 years; the tilt up triangle represents that shenzhen will be more beautiful in 30 years.

 03th anniversary of establishment of Shenzhen special zone 1980-2010